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Integrated Policy

Integrated Policy

Righi Elettroservizi SpA was founded in 1991 and develops its own business in the industrial automation field of plants, system integration and information technology, with the aim to offer to its clients, Italian and worldwide, a support to face and overcome the latest technological developments that the global market requires.


Righi Elettroservizi SpA, always trust to competence and technological innovation values, is committed every day to operate with the aim of meeting customers’ expectations and of the interested parts, through the offer of quality products and services, with the respect of the environment, the use of resources, even energetic, the health and workers’ safety, the protection of dignity and staff work conditions, the existing and applicable legislation.


Righi Elettroservizi is founded on the following principles:


• Innovation
• Competence
• Continuous improvement
• Problem solving attitude


With this document, Righi Elettroservizi SpA expresses its commitment to the interested parties, to maintain its Integrated Management System certified in accordance with the international standards UNI EN ISO 9001:2015, SA 8000:2014, UNI EN ISO 14001: 2015, UNI EN ISO 45001:2023 e UNI CEI 11352:2014 and to the constant improvement of its performance, trough the pursuit of the following goals:


To respect the requirement requested (mandatory and not) in the realization of its technology and services’ provision;


To identify the internal and external factors, the interested parties and their needs and expectations, risks and opportunities for quality, health and safety and for the environment;


To define empowerment plans of all performance, in the field of quality of products and services, of environment performance and for health and safety, of human resources management following the SA8000 principles, of energetic efficiency with the aim to decrease the costs associated to the use of energy;


To commit constantly, trough the engagement of the staff and the definition of documented procedures, to prevent accidents and occupational diseases, to promote and support the systematic collection and analysis of near miss;


To consider the staff as a precious and strategic resources, to guarantee the protection of rights and promote the personal growth, the competence, the consciousness, the responsibility in the management of IMS and in pursuing continuous improvement at every level of the organization;


To comply with all the requirement defined by the standard SA (Social Accountability) 8000 with regard to:


• Child labor;
• Forced work;
• Safety and health;
• Freedom of association and right to collective negotiation;
• Discrimination;
• Disciplinary practices;
• Working time;
• Remuneration.


To comply with conventions, with international instruments (mentioned in the section normative elements SA 8000:2014) includes its interpretations, to national standards and agreement signed in field of labor;


To select, qualify, maintain a proven reliability of supplier, considering them as partner, not only for the provisions of services to Righi Elettroservizi SpA, but also with regards to ethical behavior, the respect of the environment and the guarantee of correct health and safety conditions for its employees;


To recognize hazards and undertake a constant risk evaluation in case of management of new services and/or site, infrastructures, machines, instruments, processes, or new ways of working;


To take preventive action on the maintenance of machinery and equipment;


To define instruction and training requirements, necessary for the proper conduct of activities; with the aim to increase the competence, involvement and awareness of the staff and verify the efficiency;


To define and adopt behaviors which allow to limit the consumption of resources, by continuously monitoring critical parameters;


To guarantee to its business partners (Customers and Supplier) a great commercial service and a high qualitative profile


The general management of Righi Elettroservizi SpA promote the integrated politics as formulated for the pursuit of set goals also through an operation of awareness and involvement of all the staff and take under control the degree of achievement of the above mentioned goals through a timely collection and analysis of the company’s indicators


The general management will periodically review this politic to ensure its continued suitability. This politic is posted at the head office and is available for the stakeholders to the website